Sunday, July 22, 2012

Something a little lighter

When browsing through my pictures recently, I came across this classic:

This was a note I slipped under the door of a Sardinian hotel I was in while on my geological field camp experience (don't ever let me try to tell you what rock you're looking at --- I have no idea, but once you identify the rock, I will tell you everything you could ever want to know about what that rock means).  My roommate and the rest of the crew had left to go to a bar while I stayed at the hotel to sleep.  She took the key and locked me in while she went out.  While she was out, I drank two liters of water because I was dehydrated, and when I subsequently used the toilet, it happened to come completely out of the wall with the plumbing no longer connected within the wall.  Not quite sure what to do, I pushed the toilet, hoped I reconnected the plumbing, and flushed.  Obviously, I flooded the bathroom.  I then tried the phone, but it consisted of no buttons, and it was also not connected to anything.  Sensing a theme???  I then banged and yelled on the door for help, but no one came.  After checking out the window situation (three floors up, doberman pinschers at the bottom, and now unsure about the reliability of anything in the room), I decided not to climb out the window using the old sheets-tied-together method.  So, I wrote a note, slipped it under the door, and urinated for the rest of the night in the bidet.  Thank God for the bidet.  When my roommate came home after several rounds at the local bar, she saw the note.  She thought to herself, "This can't be true," but then thought that because it involved me, it was most likely true.  Not knowing herself what to do, she came in quietly and went to sleep herself.  Really, what can you do about a toilet at 2 am??? 

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