Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Henry's first dip as a Hong

It's beginning to warm up here in Oklahoma, and I'm not having to work right now, so I'm spending time with the pooches and pussy cat.  Yesterday, I took Henry to Stanley Draper Lake (the OKC lake and park where people dump dead bodies; it happens to be very close to our house) for a swim.  Here's a picture of his first foray into the water as a Hong (who knows if he went swimming before coming to us).

Now, let me say that, while he is part labrador, he was not fond of the water.  In fact, he much preferred to run around like a wild dog and have me panic about where he went.  When I had sufficiently panicked, he came racing towards me with his ears pinned back against his head.  Oh, great fun, great fun.

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