Sunday, March 18, 2012

the Occupy movement

So my students are busy addressing constitutional issues that arose from a fictional Occupy scenario.  In our scenario, the protagonist was arrested at a protest and suffered medical injuries.  Well, in real life, the Occupy movement goes on.  Just this weekend, the NYPD broke into Zuccotti Park and began arresting protesters.  Specifically, the police "formed a human ring" around the park, and they brought in a transit bus to remove the protesters.  Of course, there were some protesters who refused to go, and they were arrested.  One woman suffered medical issues, and she was taken away in an ambulance to be treated (way to protect yourself from a potential 1983 claim, NYPD!  obviously, more importantly, way to treat someone's real medical need.).  The tenor of the movement is changing, though, as spring sets in.  The money supporting the protesters is diminishing, which will test its longevity (it seems like a throwback to the days of yore when the rich would just outlast the poor based on resources), and they are now warning of a somewhat Arab Spring-like event.  We shall see if the Occupy movement actually does "grow flowers" or if it just gets trampled into springtime mud.


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