Friday, March 9, 2012

A broken heart

It is strange, when I woke up this morning, my first thought was, "I hurt."  Initially, I couldn't remember why.  Then it came back --- my heart was broken yesterday.  The night of sleep, though deep and long, was not enough to heal the pain; in fact, that pain sat within me through the night, and before I could even try to recall the cause of my pain, it reminded me that I had been hurt.

Yesterday, I learned that it is unlikely I will continue teaching my class next year.  When I began, I knew that this was purely a nine-month position, but there was the opportunity to apply to be rehired.  I eagerly embraced that opportunity, and I hoped for it with my usual Polly-Anna approach to life.

In general, the absolute knowledge of the rejection is tough.  Most importantly, my heart is broken because I have come to love my students, my peers, and myself in this position.  I care deeply about my students, and I have been excitedly watching them develop from the brand-new and struggling phase to the beginning-to-fledge phase.  I so wanted to coach them through the rest of their time in law school, and I wanted to see them succeed in competitions and in class.  I wanted to celebrate those victories with them.  I also wanted to continue to be a source of support for my students.  I wanted them to know that, whatever happened, they knew they at least had one person in that large brick building who had their backs.  While I can and will still support them as best I can, those hopes and dreams of seeing them become 2Ls and then 3Ls and continuing to mold new legal minds every year, those hopes and dreams are all gone.

Today, I hurt.

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