There have recently been stories in the news about the surprising result of the crackdown on abuse of prescription medication: the rise of heroin use. When I think of heroin, I think of skinny young folks trying to be models, but apparently it's also now involving soccer moms of suburbia and the poor. Here's a link to a story running today on following two women in a Columbus, Ohio, suburb who progressed from prescription pills to the harder stuff. Read story here. As the case would be, I happen to be getting ready to attend a CLE with the Columbus City Attorney's office on bath salts and other street drugs. I'll certainly ask about this rise in the use of heroin and what the office is seeing and doing about it.
This blog is mainly focused on current legal stories and cases. Because I am licensed in Ohio and Tennessee and living in Oklahoma, I tend to read (and therefore blog) mostly about cases from those states. When I get tired of reading about legal cases, I blog about my dogs and other interesting stories. I try to keep the author as my dog Ella, but I'm not very successful at that. Goal for future: Be more persuasive about Ella being the author despite me being the one who can type.
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