Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Inspiration for Serving Others

I've been reading Edward Kennedy's True Compass, which I highly recommend, and I was struck by the following passage, in which he describes the impact of his faith on his public role:
My own center of belief, as I matured and grew curious about these things, moved toward the great Gospel of Matthew, chapter 25 especially, in which he calls us to care for the least of these among us, and feed the hungry, clothe the naked, give drink to the thirsty, welcome the strange, visit the imprisoned. It's enormously significant to me that the only description in the Bible about salvation is tied to one's willingness to act on behalf of one's fellow human beings. the ones who will be deprived of salvation -- the sinners -- are those who've turned away from their fellow man. People responsive to the great human condition, and who've tried to alleviate its misery -- these will be the ones who join Christ in Paradise.
To me, this perspective on my faith has almost literally been a life-saver. It has given me strength and purpose during the greatest challenges I have faced, the roughest roads I've traveled.

I found that passage to be inspiring in my quest to serve others. So often, as life gets going, and task-lists grow by the hour, I tend to forget that I'm here to serve others. I pray that I am able to devote my life to serving others, as I have been called to do.

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